Welcome to PRSSA SJSU

PRSSA SJSU meets every Tuesday at 6 p.m. in DBH 117 (pre-covid)

Join us on zoom for our weekly meeting! No membership or past-experience required. All are welcome!

Be up-to-date of all upcoming meetings and opportunities by subscribing to our newsletter.


You are always free to stop by our weekly meeting and learn what PRSSA SJSU has to offer. Our team is more than happy to help and answer your questions. Please fill out our interest form so we can know how to better your experience with our chapter.

What we do

PRSSA’s mission is to serve its members by enhancing their knowledge of public relations and providing access to professional development opportunities and to serve the public relations profession by helping to develop highly qualified, well-prepared professionals.


San Jose Staté University’s PRSSA chapter sponsors a number of (virtual) chapter meetings, workshops, and career-development events during the year. Members further their knowledge of the PR field and expand their network to help them be career-ready after graduation. In addition, PRSSA members regularly attend monthly meetings of the PRSA Silicon Valley Chapter.

Learn more about what PRSSA SJSU offers.